One Hundred Great Reads

How to go about this?

Posted in method by Jimmy on March 30, 2009

Let me tell you one thing about me right away: I’m lazy.  To quote X-Press 2 and David Byrne:

“I’m lazy when I’m lovin’, I’m lazy when I play.  I’m lazy with my girlfriend a thousand times a day.  I’m lazy when I’m speaking, I’m lazy when I walk.  I’m lazy when I’m dancin’ and I’m lazy when I talk.”

What this means is that I don’t like reading long books, because this makes me think that I’ll never finish them.  This is not strictly true, if I get into a good book I’ll generally finish it.  I read all three parts of the Lord of the Rings for heaven’s sake!

Anyway, the point I’m trying to make is that I’ve signed up to  This is a on-line shop where you can download audio books that sit nicely on your iPod (or other mp3 audio device).  These are books that are read out to you by someone.  I recently downloaded Moby Dick and found the reading to be very interesting.  Although, I do like pirate voices and this was full of them.

Basically, I’m going to try to cover a few of these books by listening to them on audio.  I can do this when I’m cycling or running – to pass the time.

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